098: Balancing Your Masculine and Feminine Energy to Set and Achieve Goals with Deanne Sarabia

The masculine and feminine are both importance for us female business owners to have, but more often than not, it can be challenging to learn when to use which. 

That is why I invited Deanne Saravia, a sixth generational healer with over 15 years of experience to the podcast today. We discuss Deanne’s journey to becoming a healer and the importance of following your intuition and being in flow. 

We also discuss the topic of goal setting with your masculine energy and using your feminine energy to make it happen! 

Key Takeaways:

02:02 The Journey to Becoming a Healer

06:35 The Power of Flow and Intuition

12:57 Setting and Achieving Goals in the Healing Business

27:59 Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energy

31:49 Setting Goals and Allowing Flow

38:30 The Power of Forgiveness and Trust

39:12 Showing Love and Forgiveness

Who Is Deanne Sarabia:

Deanne is a 6 generational healer that has been doing healing work for over 15 years. She plays sound bowls, clear / cleanse chakras / energy, and she is am a healer of your spirit. She uses her intuition to help pinpoint exactly what area needs healing most.

She believes when the chakras are functioning at full capacity the body heals itself and that’s when our own intuitions bring in clarity. When we are healing & have clarity we are able to bring in everything we desire, but first we must begin to heal. She likes to use the vibration of love in all her healings to be sure it is a gentle transition for you.

Mic Drop Moments:

“I literally felt a light switch. I woke up and everything just saw everything, felt everything different.”

“I was just like low, very low, just wherever life took me and it was a blast.”

“Saying no gracefully, but standing in your dignity and not getting pushed around is really, really important.”

“Set big goals. If it’s not big, then why do it?”

“Don’t give up, you’ll find your balance, you’ll find your flow.”

“When you’re in your purpose, obstacles become less important.”


Connect with Kimberly:

Deanne’s Website: Click here

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