015: How to Set, Maintain and Keep Your Boundaries with April Roberts

Ever notice that the hardest boundaries to set are with the people you love most?

Protecting our time and energy is key in order to avoid resentment. But setting, maintaining, and keeping your boundaries isn’t always easy.

Today, I’m helping listeners establish boundaries gracefully rather than impulsively. By envisioning your ideal interactions, you can start identifying what boundaries need to be set, and what consequences should follow if they’re broken.

Join me today to discover techniques that will help you have difficult conversations, such as  “The Sandwich Method,” “HALT,” and “The Three Strike Rule.” And remember to be kind to yourself: progress and healing require time and patience.

Key Takeaways:

  • Introduction to setting boundaries
  • Setting boundaries with loved ones
  • The “Sandwich Method” for difficult conversations
  • The “Bicycle Language” for setting boundaries
  • Remember to “HALT” (stop when hungry, angry, lonely, or tired)
  • The Three Strike Rule

Mic Drop Moments:

The trick to boundaries is we are normally setting them with people we care about. So, we’re normally setting them with people we want to keep in our lives because if we didn’t want you in our lives, we would probably just ghost you. Let’s be honest.” – April Roberts

“We set boundaries to avoid fear of missing out (FOMO) and to focus. There are seasons of life where you have more on your plate, and in these periods you need stronger boundaries.” – April Roberts

If you’re feeling resentment, that is normally a key sign that a boundary needs to be set in place.” – April Roberts

“To set boundaries when it comes to time management, decide: when you’re available, for whom you’re available, and how people should reach you during that time.” – April Roberts

“Remember to ‘HALT’: if you’re hungry, angry, lonely, or tired, do not have difficult conversations. If someone comes for you at that time, let them know it’s not the best time and offer to reschedule.”  – April Roberts

“We go into life as young adults with the boundaries set by our family. As we grow up and become our own person, we need to figure out what is important to us and what we want to protect.” – April Roberts

“Everything you’ve ever wanted is sitting on the other side of fear.” – George Addair


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