Does “your things to get around to list-”—the one you revisit every January—include, at its essence, how to:
- Treat yourself better
- Be a better person
- Be more present
- Get more from your life
- Stop chasing your tail
- Find ways to be happier, healthier and more successful
Losing weight, spending more time with family, enjoying life more, spending less time with technology, having more sex and connection—each of these things falls into the above six categories. So why do they show up on your resolution list year after year?
There’s no shame in NOT sticking to resolutions. We’re hardwired to berate ourselves every time we fall away from a goal, even for a second. But progress is two steps forward, five steps back.
This year was a banner year for Vixen women who committed to taking the small steps needed for big change. By working in a trusted, intimate group of other women, Vixens felt confident doing the deep personal work that leads to big change. As a result they have:
- Rediscovered themselves
- Can clearly articulate who they are and what they want
- Accelerated their growth both personally and professionally
- Found more enjoyment and fulfilment in life
Below, we’ve listed five blogs that show how to commit to small changes that will transform your life. Take a look at them, soak them in and view the action items at the end of each that will help you create a foundation for accelerating in 2023.
What Are Core Values and Why Do You Need Them?
Maybe in an effort of team bonding, your office has asked everyone to choose their core values. But core values can’t be defined in an hour-long meeting. To really understand what motivates you, to really understand how you want to live and therefore how you should arrive at decisions, takes time.
When you turn the mirror on yourself and define your core values, decision making becomes much easier and the things you’ve always wanted find their way into your life.

Setting, Keeping and Not Feeling Guilty About Your Boundaries
Do you ever feel guilty about your boundaries after you’ve set one? Do you even know what yours are?
Boundaries—or the behaviors and beliefs that you find acceptable in others—can be hard to define, hard to set and hard to stick to. Yet boundaries are the invisible lines around your emotions, your values, your actions and your desires. Without them, it’s impossible to protect the person who matters most—you.

Self-Love vs. Self-Care. What’s the Difference?
When your best friend is super low because of a decision she made or a situation she’s in, what do you think of her? That she’s worthless? That she’s terrible at her job/relationship? No. You see the beauty in her, which brings the compassion out in you and you sit with her in her pain.
When you start seeing yourself as your best friend, someone who is worthy of love and forgiveness and acceptance, you open your ability to be your most powerful.

Treat Herself Care Like Your Self Care
One critical component to loving yourself is reigniting and prioritizing your loving relationship with yourself. This starts with self-forgiveness and self-care.
Whether your definition of self-care means sitting in a tub for 20 minutes, watching tarot card readers on YouTube, or listening to a podcast, self-care matters.

How and Why to Prioritize Transitioning Back Into the Feminine
Everyone has both masucline and feminine energy. But, because women live in a world created by men, we tend to move into our masculine energy…and forget about the feminine.
While it’s completely normal to move between both masculine and feminine energy throughout the course of a day, the only way to truly live your true essence is to intentionally move back into the feminine.
Interested in hearing more about core values, boundaries, self love/care, or moving more deeply into your feminine? Chat with us.