As we come upon the Spring Equinox in nature, which represents moving from shorter to longer days and moving from a season of restoration into one of rebirth, we’re sharing a series of blogs about transitions. What are they? When do they happen? What do they mean for you?
We just finished a hugely successful Mastermind retreat. As always, the Vixens who were present went DEEP with their feelings, wants, desires, business growth opportunities—you name it, they went for it.
Ultimately, regardless as to whether each Vixen wanted more from her personal life, professional life, spiritual life, or a combination of the three, getting “more” requires transitions.
When I wanted more from my life, which was giving back to women and helping them become their best self through Vixen, it meant letting go of other things—good things that had served me well and that I loved! One of those things, was selling a business that I loved and that had nourished me and helped many other people.
The thing is, whenever you start going after what is most authentically you, change happens. And with change, comes transition.
Although transition can be trying, you are not alone in it—your fellow Vixens are doing the same. Each of you are on a hero’s journey. When a hero journeys, she first has to understand the call to action. Then, she has to start her transformation, which inevitably challenges her current way of living and thinking. That isn’t for the faint of heart!

Here’s a few things to expect as you transition into living your best life.
Sheer and Utter Excitement
These emotions are cyclical, not linear, which is why I put sheer and utter excitement on the front end—is there anything more exciting than moving toward what you know you’re meant to do in life?
The concept for Vixen came to me during the pandemic. At the time, I was leading a financial firm and, although I enjoyed what I was doing, once the idea for Vixen took hold of me, I could not let it go.
It kept me up at night. It kept me motivated to get through some really hard client conversations. It took me over!
Knowing that you’ve at least got the beginnings to an answer to free yourself from a path that is not yours, is one of the most exciting feelings you’ll ever have. And I assure you, as you move through your hero’s journey and experience some of the harder feelings, joy isn’t too far behind. Just keep going!
One of the big emotions that likes to piggy back joy and excitement is overwhelm. First you think, “This is so exciting! I can’t wait to x, y, z.”
You visualize yourself successfully doing x, y, z. You even share it with your friends and fellow Vixens.
Then, the work begins.
In the case of Vixen, the starting line question was, “How does a former corporate lawyer and CEO of a financial services firm pivot to inspire women to start living their best lives?”
Basically, how does she start another company?
So many of you either own your own business or run large business for other people. The idea of “starting again” can feel like the impossible task, right?
But how did you learn to walk? How did you get your college degree? How did you learn to parent? How did you FILL IN THE BLANK?
Day by day. Step by step, right?
Overwhelm is a temporary feeling. It will pass. Feel it. Recognize it. Thank it for wanting to protect you and encourage it to move along.
Overwhelm has a nice little buddy named fear. They often travel together in the deep recesses of the mind, late at night when you should be sleeping instead of worrying. I’m guessing you’ve had a midnight rendezvous or two with fear. All heroes have.
Fear is our number one protector. It’s the knight standing watch over the castle. But fear is primitive. It’s the reptilian part of our brain and is designed to keep us from danger. It hasn’t progressed since the age of the dinosaurs. It doesn’t understand technology. It has its place, but not without context.
As with overwhelm, when your brain tells you, “Hey, this new venture you’re on, it’s scary. We’ve never been here before. We don’t know what’s around the corner. You should be afraid,” it’s speaking from a place of protection, not logic.
Treat it like I recommended treating the overwhelm: I see you, I hear you, I’ve got this.
A quick note on this. If you’re getting fear vibes from other people, check in with your intuition. Taking on other people’s emotions—especially the negative ones—will not help you on this journey.
Disbelief is a funny one because it goes two ways. Excited disbelief as in oh wow, I can’t believe I’m actually doing this. And the more fearful one. Oh wow, I can’t believe I’m actually doing this.
Welcome to the polarity of emotions that accompany change, transition and doing great things.
Feel these emotions. Appreciate them for what they are. Then continue moving forward down your path to living your best life.
Interested in reading more about transitions? Check out the first and second posts in the series.