010: Redefining Success and Paving Your Own Path In Life with Lacey Pruett

As women in today’s world, we’re told we can do it all — so long as it aligns with traditional societal norms, such as getting married or having children. It’s when we choose to pave our own authentic path that we tend to face resistance.

At 28 years old, Lacey Pruett found herself at the top of the “success mountain” only to realize she’d been chasing after the wrong goals all along. So, she embarked on a journey she called the High-Performance Detox.

Today, Lacey shares with us her best advice on setting strong boundaries and living a fulfilling life. She tells us about her experience with choosing to live child-free, rediscovering herself, and embracing selfishness so that you can learn to confidently say “yes” to the things that mean the most to you.

Key Takeaways:

  • Discovering who you are & who you want to be
  • What is a high-performance detox?
  • Establishing your core values
  • Setting strong boundaries
  • Being your own cheerleader
  • The benefits of yoga and mindfulness

Who Is Lacey Pruett?

Lacey Pruett is a speaker, author, and yoga instructor who is passionate about health, mindfulness, and high performance. She encourages her yoga students to look inward through mindset tips during her classes and believes that impactful lifestyle habits can strengthen our minds, body, and spirit. She uses her past experiences and education to help clients reach their goals and feel their best.

Mic Drop Moments:

“If you take busy women out of the environment that they’re in every day, they are more apt to focus on themselves. There is less distraction, and they can focus in on what makes them great.” – Lacey Pruett

“Good girls aren’t selfish, right? Wrong. You’ve got to put yourself first so you can care for all of these other beautiful people in our life.” – Lacey Pruett

“You have to be busy with the right stuff, which feels a whole lot better than being busy with the wrong stuff.” – Lacey Pruett

“Setting boundaries is not throwing people or experiences away, it’s just editing them. When I started putting in boundaries, I felt like I was able to do more.” – Lacey Pruett

“We all know what being a woman means, so why not boost other women up? When you boost other women, you’re boosting up all of us.” – Lacey Pruett

“Whether it’s scary, whether it’s hard, whether it’s difficult, whether you don’t know what to do, you go back to being you no matter what, being kind no matter what. It’s going to work out for the best.” – Lacey Pruett


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