026: Overcoming Personal Loss and the Challenges of Being a Female Founder with Emily Cisek

After losing three family members in six weeks, Emily Cisek knew there had to be a better way for families to plan and protect what’s most important to them.

Fast forward to today, Emily is the CEO and co-founder of The Postage, an all-in-one digital platform for life and family organizations, small businesses, and legacy management. The company’s goal is to help families deal with the logistics after a loss and allows them to be present, process the loss, and celebrate life.

However, while starting the business to bridge this gap, she ran into a complex set of challenges. After a year she found herself feeling burnt out, and needed to remove what no longer served her in order to keep growing in her business and personal life.

Today, Emily is sharing her best tips on creating a healthy work/life balance, practicing gratitude, and overcoming self-limiting hurdles. She also discusses the importance of surrounding yourself with supportive people and provides some insights on establishing yourself as a female founder in a predominantly male business world. 

Key Takeaways:

  • Preventing burnout through balance
  • The “50 List” to practice gratefulness
  • Overcoming self-limiting hurdles
  • Masculine vs feminine energy in business
  • How personal relationships affect (business) performance
  • The challenges of getting funding as a female founder
  • Preparing a business to go-to-market

Who Is Emily Cisek?

Emily Cisek is the CEO and co-founder of The Postage, an all-in-one digital platform for life and family organizations, small businesses, and legacy management.

Through The Postage, Emily takes the pressure off of families having to deal with the logistics after a loss and allows them to be present and process the loss/celebrate life. Her goal is to help people manage their life and family with greater intention and personal control by offering a simple way to get organized.

Her platform stewards families through difficult conversations, especially regarding finances, estate planning, and the future – so they can live fully now and feel more prepared for tomorrow.

Mic Drop Moments:

“When you’re a founder there are a lot more roadblocks than there are victories; you have to figure out how to turn the little things in life into the positive light that is continuing to push you forward.” – Emily Cisek

Sometimes the best mirror isn’t yourself because when you’re so in it, it’s hard to see.” – Emily Cisek

“When I was authentically me, it enabled me to open my eyes to what I don’t want, and to what I do” – Emily Cisek

“I had to find my own blend of masculine and feminine energy: as women, we burn out if we stay in the masculine energy too much.” – April Roberts

“Finding the right people that you trust, and are the right fit for what your business is doing, can really provide value so be critical about that.” – Emily Cisek


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