062: Ai For Business: A Heart To Heart With Ai Advisor, Marissa Brassfield

How many items on your to-do list right now that you’re willing to let Artificial Intelligence or ChatGPT handle? 

The truth is, I’ve been somewhat skeptical when it comes to AI, so I invited Marissa Brassfield to join me on today’s episode so we could discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this technological development.

Marissa is a highly sought-after AI advisor, efficiency coach, work-life balance specialist, and visionary entrepreneur. She’s reimagining how our world will function and helping to build a bridge that connects us to the future. Today, she not only shares how she moved away from a toxic work environment (which consequently helped her fertility) but also shares the benefits of conversational AI in outsourcing repetitive tasks.

If you’ve been hesitant to embrace AI and its potential in your business, you’ll want to tune in to today’s episode.

Key Takeaways:

  • Visionary Entrepreneurship
  • Outgrowing a business & imagining your next project
  • Reflecting on toxic workplace schedules/environments
  • Learning to communicate from your heart
  • How stress & timing plays a role in fertility
  • A skeptical approach to AI
  • The benefits of conversational AI
  • The “No Tech” business approach
  • Outsourcing repetitive “HALF tasks” to AI
  • Building AI systems for productivity
  • Maintaining integrity during technological advancements

Who Is Marissa Brassfield?

Marissa Brassfield is a highly sought-after AI advisor, efficiency coach, and work-life balance specialist who’s trained hundreds of entrepreneurs, team leaders, and startups in 20+ countries.

Marissa has over 15 years of experience growing visionary businesses by partnering with global leaders, Fortune 100 executives, and maverick entrepreneurs. This includes 8.5 years with Peter Diamandis building Abundance 360, an annual program (acquired by Singularity University in 2018) that teaches entrepreneurs how to forecast the implications of emerging technologies.

Marissa specializes in sharing practical, tactical wisdom that enables professionals to navigate technological change with grace, confidence, and effectiveness.

Mic Drop Moments:

“Visionary entrepreneurs are people who live in the future and are imagining how our world will function in 5-15 years. They build bridges to that bigger, better future. They see problems and challenges as opportunities.” – Marissa Brassfield

“High-performance environments can quickly go toxic when there is no mission. When love has exited the room and only money and power are at the table.” – Marissa Brassfield

“I’m working with AI to figure out how to optimize an activity I’m already doing so that I’m spending less time on it, but I’m getting more fulfillment and more results.” – Marissa Brassfield

“Societally and culturally, we’ve got to be okay about disagreeing on some of these hard values because this is not a time to outsource integrity to governments and large organizations and assuming that they’re going to have everybody’s interests in mind.” – Marissa Brassfield


Ridiculously Efficient

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